Who-Hosts-This.com was built when we realized how many problems existed in existing hosting provider detectors. Since beginning operations in March of 2017, we've analyzed thousands of urls and have seen consistent growth.

How Does It Work
We use the following step to detect the hosting provider(s) for a url.
- Analyze Routing Table Data
We analyze IP ranges from Remote Route Collectors to build a database of ISP to IP range relationships.
- Retrieving IP addresses
We use DNS lookups to retrieve IP addresses for each url. If the returned IP addresses belong to a Content Delivery Network (CDN), we'll check subdomains for additional IP addresses that might point to the url's actual server.
- IP Database Lookup
We then check each of the discovered IP addresses against our database of ip ranges. If the discovered IP address is within an IPS's range, we've found the hosting provider.
March 2017
who-hosts-this.com is created and goes live with hosting prover detections.
January 2018
Added statistics and screenshot to hosting provider pages.
January 2019
Displaying more statistics about each ISP. Added long-overdue autocomplete search for ISPs.