« Hosting Providers

Internet Hosting Center

Hosting for projects of any complexity from 99 rubles per month. Server rental, shared hosting, VDS/VPS with 24/7 support. Domain registration. Issuing SSL Certificates


Detection Rating: 282 out of 21,280

Market Share: 0.017%

Alias: Internet-Hosting Ltd

Technology Profile

Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on Internet Hosting Center

Showing rows 1 - 10 | ~4,587 websites  

RankTop Level DomainTotal DomainsPercent
1Russia (.ru)3,42174.58%
2Commercial (.com)4018.742%
3Russia (Cyrillic) (.рф)1222.66%
4Network (.net)781.7%
5Belarus (.by)751.635%
6Soviet Union (.su)611.33%
7Organization (.org)541.177%
8Info (.info)450.981%
9Pro (.pro)420.916%
10Uzbekistan (.uz)350.763%
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Market Share

The market share for Internet Hosting Center decreased by 0.012 percentage points (from 0.042% to 0.03%) for all sites, more than any other segment during the same period of time.

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Market Sharen/a
% Changen/a