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State of North Dakota, ITD

Welcome to North Dakota where possibility is as endless as the horizon. Whether you crave the rugged outdoors or thrive in urban settings, youll find vibrant, diverse communities and the shortest average commute time in the country. This rising travel trend embracing the winter cold and spending more time outdoors in spite of it is calledfriluftsliv. This translates to free air life, a Norwegian concept that being outdoors in all types of weather is good for the mind and body. Its about connecting with nature, no matter the weather. And, as they say in North Dakota a U.S. hotspot for Norwegian/Scandinavian culture if you think its too cold, youre just not dressed warmly enough. North Dakota has numerous outdoor attractions and rich Scandinavian heritage that allow travelers from near and far to embrace friluftsliv and reconnect with nature safely in its wide open spaces where you wont find crowds (except for crowds of bison, of course).


Detection Rating: 3,743 out of 21,280

Market Share: 0.0003%

Technology Profile

Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on State of North Dakota, ITD

Showing rows 1 - 10 | ~67 websites  

RankTechnologyTotal DomainsPercentCategory
1PHP4567.16%Programming Language
2Drupal2841.79%Other CMS, CMS
4Apache HTTP Server1826.87%Web Server
5Nginx1623.88%Web Server
6Microsoft ASP.NET1623.88%Web Framework
8WordPress1420.9%Blog, CMS
9Google Hosted Libraries1319.4%CDN
10Windows Server1319.4%Operating System
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Market Share

The market share for State of North Dakota, ITD decreased by 0.0001 percentage points (from 0.0004% to 0.0003%) for all sites, more than any other segment during the same period of time.

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