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Coreix pride ourselves on our high levels of customer service. We offer 100% Uptime, 100% Infra, 100% network & 5 minute response 24/7/365 by our onsite NOC


Detection Rating: 673 out of 21,280

Market Share: 0.005%

Alias: Coreix Ltd

Technology Profile

Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on Coreix

Showing rows 1 - 10 | ~1,382 websites  
DomainTraffic RankTop Level DomainLast Crawled
npl.co.uk30,000 - 39,999United Kingdom (.uk)2 months agoView URLs
3dweb.co.uk40,000 - 49,999United Kingdom (.uk)2 years agoView URLs
coreix.net50,000 - 59,999Network (.net)2 years agoView URLs
redpepper.org.uk100,000 - 199,999United Kingdom (.uk)6 months agoView URLs
thinkbroadband.com100,000 - 199,999Commercial (.com)1 month agoView URLs
northstandchat.com100,000 - 199,999Commercial (.com)5 months agoView URLs
thegwpf.org100,000 - 199,999Organization (.org)7 months agoView URLs
withersworldwide.com100,000 - 199,999Commercial (.com)4 weeks agoView URLs
theonespy.com100,000 - 199,999Commercial (.com)2 months agoView URLs
ecloudserv.net200,000 - 299,999Network (.net)2 years agoView URLs
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