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Chunghwa Telecom HiNet network service entrance Taiwan's largest ISP provides broadband Internet access, optical fiber ADSL service and e-mail news hichannelXuite and other lifestyle entertainment information and extends to enterprise government information security cloud network application is your first stop to surf the Internet


Detection Rating: 172 out of 21,280

Market Share: 0.033%

Alias: Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.

Technology Profile

Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on HiNet

Showing rows 1 - 10 | ~8,688 websites  
DomainTraffic RankTop Level DomainLast Crawled
synology.com900 - 999Commercial (.com)1 week agoView URLs
asus.com1,000 - 1,999Commercial (.com)4 days agoView URLs
hinet.net1,000 - 1,999Network (.net)2 months agoView URLs
weathernews.jp6,000 - 6,999Japan (.jp)5 months agoView URLs
gigabyte.com10,000 - 19,999Commercial (.com)1 week agoView URLs
tyc.edu.tw10,000 - 19,999Taiwan (Republic of China) (.tw)4 months agoView URLs
taiwannews.com.tw10,000 - 19,999Taiwan (Republic of China) (.tw)10 months agoView URLs
ntpc.edu.tw10,000 - 19,999Taiwan (Republic of China) (.tw)2 months agoView URLs
taipeitimes.com10,000 - 19,999Commercial (.com)2 months agoView URLs
fortiddns.com10,000 - 19,999Commercial (.com)6 months agoView URLs
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Market Share

The market share for HiNet decreased by 0.029 percentage points (from 0.076% to 0.047%) for all sites, more than any other segment during the same period of time.

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Market Share
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