« Hosting Providers


BeotelNet, the first Internet provider in Serbia, provides hosting services, VPS, Cloud, domain registration, Wireless and ADSL Internet, IPTV and fixed telephony.


Detection Rating: 788 out of 21,280

Market Share: 0.004%

Alias: BeotelNet-ISP d.o.o

Technology Profile

Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on BeotelNet

Showing rows 1 - 10 | ~1,092 websites  

RankLanguagesTotal DomainsPercent
1Serbian (sr)46842.86%
2English (en)29727.2%
3English - Great Britain (en-gb)544.945%
4Bosnian (bs)60.549%
5Croatian (hr)20.183%
6Russian (ru)20.183%
7German (de)10.092%
8Slovenian (sl)10.092%
9Macedonian (mk)10.092%
10Italian (it)10.092%
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