GitHub is where over 56 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
Detection Rating: 68 out of 21,453
Market Share: 0.096%
Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on GitHub
Rank | Host | Total Domains | Percent |
1 | GitHub | 28,366 | 100.0% |
2 | | 186 | 0.656% |
3 | Cloudflare | 120 | 0.423% |
4 | Google Inc. | 85 | 0.3% |
5 | Namecheap, Inc. | 73 | 0.257% |
6 | DigitalOcean | 38 | 0.134% |
7 | Fastly | 24 | 0.085% |
8 | Vercel | 22 | 0.078% |
9 | Hetzner | 21 | 0.074% |
10 | Microsoft Corporation | 19 | 0.067% |
The market share for GitHub increased by 0.027 percentage points (from 0.114% to 0.141%) for all sites, more than any other segment for the same time period.
Top 1K sites | Top 10K sites | Top 100K sites | Top 1M sites | All Sites | |
Market Share | 1.3%
| 0.38%
| 0.157%
| 0.085%
| 0.096%
Websites | 13 | 38 | 157 | 852 | 28,294 |
% Change | 50% | 50% | -30.57% | -61.94% | 23.68% |