« Hosting Providers

Pacificnet Hosting Ltd

PacHosting provides reliable cloud computing and hosting services at competitive prices and performance


Detection Rating: 1,151 out of 21,280

Market Share: 0.002%

Technology Profile

Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on Pacificnet Hosting Ltd

Showing rows 1 - 10 | ~582 websites  

RankLanguagesTotal DomainsPercent
1English (en)20334.88%
2Chinese - Traditional (zh-hant)447.56%
3Chinese - Taiwan (zh-tw)325.498%
4Chinese - Hong Kong (zh-hk)274.639%
5English - Great Britain (en-gb)274.639%
6Chinese (zh)233.952%
7Chinese - China (zh-cn)142.405%
8German (de)30.515%
9Chinese - Simplified (zh-hans)20.344%
10Vietnamese (vi)10.172%
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