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SoftLayer Technologies Inc.

IBM Cloud with Red Hat offers market-leading security, enterprise scalability and open innovation to unlock the full potential of cloud and AI.


Detection Rating: 81 out of 21,487

Market Share: 0.075%

Technology Profile

Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on SoftLayer Technologies Inc.

Showing rows 1 - 10 | ~22,999 websites  

RankTechnologyTotal DomainsPercentCategory
1WordPress4,75620.68%Blog, CMS
2Duda1,4746.409%Other CMS, CMS
3YouCan1,0924.748%E-commerce, CMS
4Elementor8753.805%Landing Page Builder, CMS
5WooCommerce7423.226%E-commerce, CMS
6Joomla6612.874%Other CMS, CMS
7wpBakery6412.787%Landing Page Builder, CMS
8Drupal2921.27%Other CMS, CMS
9Shopify1960.852%E-commerce, CMS
10Wix1590.691%Website Builder, Blog, CMS
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Market Share

The market share for SoftLayer Technologies Inc. decreased by 0.162 percentage points (from 0.296% to 0.134%) for all sites, more than any other segment during the same period of time.

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Market Share
% Change