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Helio iTV, Helio vTV, Shortcut Films, Shortcut Premiere, Shortcut TV, fast and stable internet, 4G internet, Tet electricity with best fixed rate etc.


Detection Rating: 1,031 out of 21,280

Market Share: 0.003%

Alias: SIA Lattelekom

Technology Profile

Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on Tet

Showing rows 1 - 10 | ~693 websites  

RankLanguagesTotal DomainsPercent
1Latvian (lv)29342.28%
2English (en)17925.83%
3Russian (ru)375.339%
4English - Great Britain (en-gb)162.309%
5Lithuanian (lt)101.443%
6Estonian (et)60.866%
7Éwé (ee)50.722%
8Ukrainian (uk)30.433%
9Polish (pl)30.433%
10Northern Sami (se)20.289%
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