Leading web host & provider for domains, homepage web space (domain web hosting) & servers (server hosting, managed server). ALL-INKL - for retail & resellers!
Detection Rating: 21 out of 21,280
Market Share: 0.375%
Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on ALL INKL
Rank | Host | Total Domains | Percent |
1 | ALL INKL | 101,699 | 100.0% |
2 | Hetzner | 131 | 0.129% |
3 | Amazon.com | 77 | 0.076% |
4 | 1&1 Internet | 61 | 0.06% |
5 | Cloudflare | 58 | 0.057% |
6 | Host Europe | 51 | 0.05% |
7 | Strato AG | 43 | 0.042% |
8 | Mittwald | 38 | 0.037% |
9 | Google Inc. | 29 | 0.029% |
10 | DomainFactory | 28 | 0.028% |
The market share for ALL INKL increased by 0.204 percentage points (from 0.336% to 0.54%) for all sites, more than any other segment for the same time period.
Top 1K sites | Top 10K sites | Top 100K sites | Top 1M sites | All Sites | |
Market Share | n/a | 0.07%
| 0.044%
| 0.062%
| 0.375%
Websites | n/a | 7 | 44 | 620 | 100,241 |
% Change | n/a | 200% | 40% | n/a | 60.71% |