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SoftBank Mobile Corp.

This is the official website of SoftBank. Introducing various services that enrich lifestyles such as smartphones, mobile phones, Internet landlines, telephone robots, and IR information of SoftBank shop support companies.


Detection Rating: 1,449 out of 21,280

Market Share: 0.001%

Technology Profile

Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on SoftBank Mobile Corp.

Showing rows 1 - 10 | ~380 websites  

RankTechnologyTotal DomainsPercentCategory
1WordPress5414.21%Blog, CMS
2Adobe Dreamweaver195.0%Static Site Generator, Editor, CMS
3Xoops123.158%Other CMS, CMS
4JustSystems Homepage Builder82.105%Other CMS, CMS
5EC-Cube61.579%E-commerce, CMS
6WebSphere Studio Homepage Builder41.053%Other CMS, CMS
7Adobe Experience Manager20.526%Other CMS, CMS
8FrontPage20.526%Static Site Generator, Editor, CMS
9wpBakery20.526%Landing Page Builder, CMS
10WooCommerce20.526%E-commerce, CMS
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Market Share

The market share for SoftBank Mobile Corp. decreased by 0.003 percentage points (from 0.005% to 0.002%) for all sites, more than any other segment during the same period of time.

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Market Sharen/a
% Changen/a