Helping millions of developers easily build, test, manage, and scale applications of any size faster than ever before.
Detection Rating: 13 out of 21,487
Market Share: 0.68%
Summary of technologies used by websites hosted on DigitalOcean
The market share for DigitalOcean increased by 0.236 percentage points (from 0.944% to 1.18%) for all sites, more than any other segment for the same time period.
Top 1K sites | Top 10K sites | Top 100K sites | Top 1M sites | All Sites | |
Market Share | 0.8%
| 1.15%
| 1.089%
| 1.044%
| 0.68%
Websites | 8 | 115 | 1,089 | 10,444 | 209,712 |
% Change | 300% | -7.87% | -40.77% | -44.5% | 25% |